W502W609/W619 (unconfirmed)W701/W706/W707/W708W702/W702 ProW901/W901 ProW103C92 (PROBABLY BROKEN!)Glowing box is your display boundary.
The process is a bit memory intensive. If it hangs, try restarting your browser to free some resources.Your image size doesn't match display size.
Weird stuff might happen.
It would be best if you could provide x by x px image.Your file is not a correct file.
It's neither an image nor logo bin file.
Please provide correct image file to generate logo, or logo bin file to review its contents.Uploaded bin file is correct x by x px logo image file
It's magic value is x. (It should be irrelevant for you, might be important for support)
It should be working fine on your device. Due to resolution mismatch it might be dangerous for your device!
Download boot logo